Critique May 2023
May Critique
The Critique this month was presented in a Zoom meeting, which was recorded. All submitted images, with written comments by the Judge, were saved as a PowerPoint slide show.
Zoom Meeting
Slide Show
May Critique Entries (PDF: 25.8 MB).
Images submitted: 92 total – 89 in the Scored category, 3 in the Non-Scored.
Note that this large file may download slowly to your computer.
Critique Scores
Entries and scores are available in the following PDF files, grouped by Category.
- Artistic Expression
- Monochrome
- Pictorial
- Special Subject: Minimalism
Minimalism is to eliminate all non-essential aspects of the image. Any part or component which does not characterize the essence, form or identity of the subject is excluded. The objective is to exclude anything that interferes with the message of the image or distracts the viewer from that message.
The Judge this month was Tim Mathieson
High Scoring Images
High scoring images were awarded 9 points or better by the Judge. “High scoring” images are displayed at the top of this page, and are listed below by Category, in alphabetical order by the Maker’s name.
Artistic Expression
- No images scored at 9
- George Harper – Thunderbird
- Ken Furuta – Searching for a Catch
- Larry Goodman – Happy House Finch
- George Harper – That’s One Angry Bird
- George Harper – Just Skimming Along
Special Subject: Minimalism
- Bette Harper – All Alone
- George Harper – A Small Slice of Disney