Critique July 2023
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July Critique
The Critique this month was presented in a Zoom meeting, which was recorded. All submitted images, with written comments by the Judge, were saved as a PowerPoint slide show.
Zoom Meeting
Slide Show
All July Critique Entries with Judge’s comments (PDF, 30.2 MB).
87 images submitted – 86 in the Scored category, 1 in the Non-Scored, from 24 Club Members (list).
Note that this large file may download slowly to your computer.
Critique Scores
Entries and scores are available in the following PDF files, grouped by Category.
- Artistic Expression
- Monochrome
- Pictorial
- Special Subject: Water
Water photography refers to any photo that emphasizes water as a compelling visual element. It includes water in liquid form, water vapor, ice, steam, fog, snow, rain, and water droplets, as long as water, in any of its states, is the main subject of the photo. Reflections, puddles, bubbles, foam, splashes and sprays are all eligible. When other elements are visible in the image, such as people walking on the beach, or a dog lapping water from a bowl, they should not overpower the impact of the water in the image.
The Judge this month was Steve Kaye
High Scoring Images
High scoring images were awarded by the Judge. “High scoring” images are displayed at the top of this page, and are listed below by Category, in alphabetical order by the Maker’s name.
Artistic Expression
- Lawrie Bau – Glowing Hibiscus
- Mike Bray – Irvine Grand Prix
- Susan Brown Matsumoto – Aslan
- Ken Furuta – Clearing the Rails
- Larry Goodman – Heisler Park Sunset
- George Harper – After the Rain
- Myra Posner – Cows Like Ice Cream, Too
- Larry Goodman – Morning Breakfast
- Mike Bray – Surfer’s delight
- Lara Ferraro – Explorer
- Larry Goodman – Red Fox of Pt. Furman Lighthouse
- Larry Goodman – Horse and Rider As One
- George Harper – Mustang
- Karen Wells – The Grind
Special Subject: Water
- Mike Bray – Wedge Wipeout
- Marilyn Crichton – Frigid Dewdrops
- Karen Wells – Octo Splash
All Submitting Members (24)
- Anonymous – Unscored (1)
- Lawrie Bau
- Mike Bray
- Marilyn Crichton
- Lara Ferraro
- Ken Furuta
- Joel Goldstein
- Marcia Goldstein
- Larry Goodman
- Bette Harper
- George Harper
- Steve Heit
- Violet Kong
- Raymond LaBelle
- Monica Lu
- Mary Madden
- Susan Brown-Matsumoto
- Pat Patti
- Myra Posner
- Hilla Sadri
- Jack Salvador
- Joel Sigman
- Arnold Silverman
- Karen Wells