Membership | Meetings | Photo Lab | Camaraderie Magazine | Education | Showcases & Critiques | Social Media | Volunteering | The Board
For more than 60 years, the Club has been “Bringing the World to the Village”, and striving to help Club members advance in the art and skills of photography.
Club events, Workshops & Classes, Showcases & Critiques are announced regularly through e-mail notifications, our Club magazine Cameraderie, monthly flyers, the Laguna Woods Village Globe, and listings on this website.
Membership is available to all residents of Laguna Woods Village, and some non-residents under special circumstances.
Club membership runs from January 1st to December 31st, and fees will vary according to the date the club is joined.
Go to our Membership Page.
Currently, Club meetings that occur in person include Showcases and “Club Night” (General Membership meetings).
There are 10 Showcases scheduled, and 2 Club Nights scheduled for 2023. Showcases are free to Camera Club members. A $5.00 fee for non-member guests is collected at the door.
Digital Critiques are held 6 times per year, every other month starting in January.
Short topic hands-on photography classes are offered periodically. Event flyers and articles in the Globe publicize these workshops.
The Board of Directors meets on the third (3rd) Friday of every month at 1:30PM in Clubhouse 4. All members are invited to attend.
Keeping Up With the Club
Visit this Club website for the latest info on classes, Critiques, Showcases, and events.
Email notices and flyers for Club activities are sent out to Club members, and non-members on our mailing list. Join our mailing list.
To view the schedule for Club shows on Village TV click on the this YouTube webpage link.
The Club Facebook page is available here.
Photo Lab
Located at Clubhouse 4, our lab has a wide range of equipment and supplies for use by Camera Club Members and Laguna Woods Village residents.
The Lab provides Mac & PC computers, tools for scanning slides, photo, and prints, several versions of professional software for editing and creating digital images, three photo-quality printers, mat cutting tools, and more.
Lab hours: 10:00AM–2:00PM Tuesday-Friday.
Learn more about the Lab at the Resources/Lab Page
Cameraderie Magazine
Our award winning Camraderie Magazine containing news and articles of interest to our members is published and distributed quarterly via email.
Current and past issues are also available on this website.
Go to our Camraderie Magazine page.
50th Anniversary
2016 marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Camera Club of Laguna Woods Village. On April 20, 2016 the Mayor and City Council members of Laguna Woods presented a Certificate of Commendation to Camera Club President Mac McNamar, and club officers Joel Goldstein and Mark Rabinowitch.
You can read Joel Goldstein’s excellent article about the Club, and view the certificate with a photograph commemmorating the ceremony, on our 50th Anniversary page.
Go to our 50th Anniversary Page.
The Camera Club provides a wide range of education opportunities.
Our Photography Workshops provide presentations of techniques for taking better photographs and on how to use various computer programs to enhance your images.
The club Education program will assist you in your photography whether you are a new or experienced photographer.
There are many learning opportunties and “how-to” handouts on the club’s Education Page.
Go to our Education Page
Showcases & Critiques
The Camera Club Showcases “Brings the World to the Village” on the first and fourth Monday of each month. The showcases include either a Digital Slideshow, presented by Club members, or a presentation by professional photographers.
Digital Critiques by professional judges are held six (6) times during the year. This is a great opportunity to learn from the professionals on how to improve your photography regardless of the type of camera or cellphone you use.
Critiques are hold on Zoom meetings which allow the Club to engage Judges from a wider area, not limited to just professional photographers within driving distance.
TV & Social Media
Village TV
Village TV shows club members work on Channel 6 and 406 Wednesdays 11:30 am to 12:00 noon, and Saturdays 10:30 am to 11:00 am.
Members show several short shows, or one or two longer shows.
Interested in showing a video? Please email the Publicity Committee
The club has a Facebook page “Camera Club of Laguna Woods, CA”.
Anyone can post a question there just so long as it is photography related. Anyone who believes that they can provide an answer or point to someone or somewhere help can be found can do so in a comment on the post.
Facebook Group
We also have a Facebook group called “Camera Club of Laguna Woods, CA – Photo Sharing”.
Members can post images you wish to share, or get feedback.
This is a closed group, so you have to ask to join, and you will need to have a Facebook account.
Please note that you can create an account under a pseudonym, you do not have to have any Facebook friends, and you can invoke full privacy settings.
These give us all places to learn and to teach. All we ask is that everyone respects everyone else on the site.
We reserve the right to delete any posts or comments that are not appropriate.
Camera Club events, classes, workshops and facilities are supported solely through member volunteers.
Please consider volunteering. Your participation would be welcomed and appreciated.
Go to our Volunteer Page.
The Board
The Board of Directors of the Camera Club of Laguna Woods Village meets the third (3rd) Friday of every month from 1:30-3:00PM in the Photo Lab educational classroom, Clubhouse 4.
Board meetings are open to all members and all Laguna Woods Village residents.
Go to the Board Page.
If you need any assistance, please email
About Camera Clubs in General
An interesting blog discussion of the pros and cons of belonging to any camera club by an experienced photographer. Perhaps it will inspire you to participate.
The site also has a great deal of useful information for improving one’s photography as well as some excellent photo portfolios.