Donate to the Camera Club

Your Time  |  Photography/Lab Supplies  |  Financial Donations  |  Sponsorships
For more than 60 years, The Camera Club of Laguna Woods Village has provided photographers at all levels of expertise, and all Laguna Woods Village residents and guests, with many opportunities to enjoy the Club’s facilities, events, and the company of like-minded photographers.

Our Club has succeeded because of the generous help and support of Club Members, including volunteer time, financial support, and gifts to the Club of equipment, supplies, and educational materials.

Your Time

The Camera Club is greatly helped by the generous time donated by Club Members.

The Club has seven (7) committees, several Photo Lab Supervisors, and our Club Board Members, all of whom are volunteers!!

Learn more at our Volunteer page.

Photography Supplies & Equipment

The Club does accept a range of items as donations.

Photography Equipment that MAY be donated:

  • cameras
  • lens
  • battery packs
  • camera and/or equipment bags
  • computer equipment
  • studio lights, reflectors, softboxes, etc.

Photography Equipment that is NOT accepted:

  • portfolio presentation books
  • photography magazines
  • photo enlargers
  • trays, beakers, or other darkroom equipment

Photo Lab items that MAY be donated:

  • Mounting supplies
    • matt board
    • foam core
    • tapes
    • hangers
    • glues
    • art adhesive sprays
  • Darkroom
    • loupes
    • print magnifying lens
  • Library Publications
    • photographers books
    • photography art books
    • photography history books
    • photography techniques books
  • Printing Paper
    • Epson paper
    • speciality papers, such as Hahnemuhle, Red River, etc.
    • clean, undamaged only please

Email the Club about items to donate

OR, stop by the Lab during open hours to drop off your donations.

Monday – Friday: 10AM-2PM
Tuesdays until 8:00PM

Financial Donations

The Club accepts and appreciates any monetary donations that may be offered.

Donations by cash or check may be dropped off at the Photo Lab, Clubhouse 4, M-F 10AM-2PM, Tuesdays until 8PM.

Checks payable to “Camera Club of Laguna Woods Village” may be mailed to:

Camera Club of Laguna Woods Village, ATTN: Donations
24310 Moulton Parkway, Suite 0-112
Laguna Woods, CA 92637

If the intention is to provide a “bequeath” donation, please contact the Club for details.

The Camera Club of Laguna Woods Village is a 501(c7) organization.

Email the Club about a financial donation


The Club accepts and appreciates sponsorships for our various events, including Showcases ($300), Trips ($250) and special events such as the Year End Dinner ($450). Full year Sponsorships (“Club Patron”) are available.

Sponsors are local businesses, and individuals, who are publicized to the Club in return for their Sponsorships. Sponsors are given wide promotion for each event, and are guaranteed ‘non-competitive’ exclusivity per Sponsorship.

Tax deductable documentation may be available.

Email the Club to get a current list of events available for Sponsorship – OR – to recommend a possible Sponsor.

Email the Club about Sponsorships


If you need any assistance, please email