Critique November 2024
High Scoring Images
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September Critique
The Critique this month had 18 members participate (view list).
71 total images were submitted: 71 Scored, 0 Non-Scored.
The Judge this month was Rick Valasek.
High scoring images are displayed above, “Other Submitted Images” are displayed below.
Zoom Recording
YouTube Critique Video
View the entire meeting (1h 20m)
Slide Show
View Critique PDF with all images/scores/comments. (27.1 MB)
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Critique Scores by Category
Images in the galleries are identified by the category in which they were submitted.
(Artistic Expression = “A”, Monochrome = “M”, Nature = “N”, Open Color = “O”, Sports = “S”, Special Subject = “SS”)
Entries and scores are available in the following PDF files, grouped by Category.
- Altered Reality
- Monochrome
- Nature
- Open Color
- Sports
- Special Subject: “Atmospheric”
“Atmospheric images have specific moods. They are not just “captures”, but instead are images that make you feel how the photographer wants you to feel. Atmospheric photography can employ mist, fog, or the incredible range of emotive, ambient light – soft, harsh, warm, cold, indirect, top light, reflected, shadowy, light, and more. Long exposures that portray an illusion of “time passing” in a still image, or photographs of clouds, waves, and objects interacting with light can be “atmospheric”, as weAtmospheric’ll as images with qualities of softening lines, graduating light transitions, and pronounced sense of depth. Alfred Stieglitz, one of American’s iconic early photographers, described atmospheric qualities in an photograph as follows, evoking the effect of tone:“Atmosphere is the medium through which we see all things. In order, tJulyherefore, to see them in their true value on a photograph, as we do in Nature, atmosphere must be there. Atmosphere softens all lines; it graduates the transition from light to shade; it is essential to the reproduction of the sense of distance. That dimness of outline which is characteristic for distant objects is due to atmosphere. Now, what atmosphere is to Nature, tone is to a picture.”
– Alfred Stieglitz, 1864-1946”.
The Judge this month was Rick Valasek. See Rick’s portrait and other diverse work.
High Scoring Images
High scoring images were awarded by the Judge. “High scoring” images are displayed at the top of this page, and are listed below by Category, in alphabetical order by the Maker’s name.
Altered Reality
- Mike Bray – Grand Prix Racers
- Lara Ferraro – Nature’s Artistry
- Adriana Greisman – Grebe Parenthood
- Ken Furuta – Pretty in Cobalt Blue
- Raymond LaBelle – Where the Wild Geese Are
Open Color
- Brad Friesen – Waiting in Hope
- Mike Bray – Power Turn
Special Subject: “Atmospheric”
- Adriana Greisman – Mt. Hood Foggy Morning
All Submitting Members (18)
- Lawrie Bau
- Mike Bray
- Lara Ferraro
- Brad Friesen
- Ken Furuta
- Adriana Greisman
- Diane Hall
- Bette Harper
- George Harper
- Raymond LaBelle
- Russ Lazar
- Daniel Lee
- Keith Leonin
- Mary Madden
- Myra Posner
- Hilla Sadri
- Violet Shen
- Esther Spektor
Other Submitted Images
Click images to open slideshow of photos at full sizes